Extensive research over the last century in quantum physics indicates that the universe and everything in it is made of energy.
Even our thoughts and emotions are energy; it is just the difference in the vibrational frequency of energy that gives us the illusion of substance and separation.
Energy Psychology collectively describes a new field of innovative interventions which can balance, restore, and enhance human functioning by stimulating the human subtle energy system.
These varying techniques are being introduced and implemented throughout the world to activate rapid, dramatic and long lasting changes in our mental states, our beliefs, feelings, behaviours and overall sense of wellbeing and health.
Energy Psychology: Techniques and Theory
Research has shown, and masters of the east, Incas, and yogis have known for centuries, that, in addition to our physical anatomy (eg organs, glands and muscles), we also have an energetic anatomy that is interconnected with the entire physical system.
Energy Psychology techniques involve stimulating energy change using a diversity of theories and techniques that may involve touching, tapping, holding, or importantly, intention.
A healthy body is a body in resonance. Trauma, fear, anxiety, excessive stress, false and limiting beliefs not only cause energetic imbalances, but also physical blockages that obstruct and dampen the free flow of energy and information throughout our tissues. Consequently, we feel blocked off, cut off, and often dissociated both physically and psychologically.
Energy Psychology modalities can facilitate the healing process, by releasing and clearing stubborn blocks in the thought field, and thus restore free flow of energy and information. The energetic body is then free to return to its natural state of harmonic resonance, to ensure a state of ease and wellness.
John Freedom maintains that the ultimate ‘meta-technique’ could well be intention, allowing distressing thoughts and trauma that create energetic imbalances to be resolved. If a person can sense something, they can change it. You need to become aware of it, calibrate it and intend it to change.
Energy Psychology modalities are also highly successful in performance anxiety and performance enhancement.
Wellbeing for Mind and Body
Those of us who hang onto ‘dead thoughts’, such as limiting and false beliefs, past trauma, and negative programming – whether willingly or unwillingly – must accept that it is not eliminated from our body, but instead condenses and blocks the energy pathways. Poor health, both physically and psychologically, as well as premature aging, are often the result.
Our habitual thoughts, whether we are aware of them or not, create our everyday reality. They attract to us the people and situations in our life that match those thoughts.
Dr Bruce Lipton, a leading voice in the new biology as well as epigenetics, maintains that beliefs act like filters on a camera and consequently change how we see the world. Our biology, being interconnected, adapts to those beliefs. When we acknowledge and accept that our beliefs are powerful, we hold the key to freedom.
Thus, we have choice. We can choose to live a life of fear and distress, or, a life of ease and love. Learning to harness our mind to promote growth is the secret of life. Dr Lipton has found through extensive research that it is not our genes, but our beliefs that control our lives. Creating and maintaining positive thoughts are therefore a biological mandate for a happy, healthy life.
When we change the way we perceive the world, that is to say, when we change our beliefs, we also change our blood’s neurochemical composition, which then initiates a complementary change in the body’s cells. According to all epigenetics, the belief that we are just our genes is one of the most destructive myths in modern times.
Author: Dr Jan Philamon, PhD, BA (Hons) Psychology, C Teach, JP (Qual) Qld, MAPS.
As a registered teacher and psychologist, Dr Jan Philamon has a wealth of experience with children, however she enjoys helping individuals and couples at any stage of life. Jan aims to help people to be the best they can be and find success: improved wellbeing, gaining a sense of empowerment that allows them to actively problem solve and manage obstacles constructively, as well as positively plan and achieve their personal and career goals.
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